Natick Rotary Club Sprocket January 12, 2016

The meeting was called to order by President, Trish Kelley, Sergeant at Arms Sharon Sharpe led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Verna led us in a singing of “Long, Long Ago” with an assist from Peter Golden, and instead of an invocation Trish suggested that we take a minute to pray for Beth Byrne’s speedy recovery.

Today’s Guest: Alan Modest – a guest of George Levoy


1. Trish – Next week’s speaker will be Ralph Letner – Senior Citizens Tax Fund

Guest Speakers:

The speaker thought our meeting was Wednesday so she has been rescheduled in March.

Peter Golden had a few words to say about Town Meeting:

1. He received a note from Gemma Lambert that there are quite a few Town Meeting seats that are vacant

2. General election papers are due in a few weeks

3. People take Town Meeting for granted.

4. The benefit of Town Meeting is that it gives the residents a chance to improve their quality of life.

5. Town meeting seems to have roots in the history of towns establishing themselves as corporations. The Town Meeting was essentially a stockholders meeting.

6. Peter feels that Town Meeting may be the “most refined” example of representative democracy on earth.

7. Town Meeting allows us to control our destiny.

Raffle: Scott had the winning ticket but drew the 6 of Clubs…better luck next time.

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