Natick Rotary Sprocket 10/15/2014

The meeting was called to order by President Judy , Marc led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Verna led us in singing “This Little Light of Mine” . Mark provided us with the invocation…quoting our next week’s speaker and asking our thoughts and prayers for the medical staff working with the Ebola patients.

Guests: Bob Capobianco, Charles River Club; David Whitmore, Framingham Club, Carl Gomes, Worcester Club and today’s speaker, Dr. Satya Mitra.


Peter reminded us that we have the opportunity to spend time on the other side of the OPEN DOOR…and enjoy the fellowship of the OPEN DOOR participants. He will email dates and times.

17 Grants have been received. Judy will be emailing the grant information to the Board in preparation for the vote at the next board meeting.

Next week Rabbi Harold Kushner will be the guest speaker

Guest Speaker – Satya Mitra

At his induction as president of the Worcester Rotary Club, he promised that he would bring in 50 new members. He brought in 82 new members. Membership needs to be a priority. The International President , the district and each club wants to grow members. Val Callahan asked him to sub for Tom.

He took up the call and has declared that in this district we should have 400 more members to make it 2000 members. That means 8 new members per club 52 clubs. (Or by 25% per club increase in membership)

Every president must assume the responsibility of growing the membership. They need to be motivated as a CEO. Satya saw he had 48 members, Needed to Every week he would shake hands with every member…check in with every member…anything I can do Want to be a good lead-er: to be concerned about everyone, sacrifice, set goals and make sure everyone is with the same goals. Make sure you have connections not as a president but as a friend. Divided members into 3 categories; seniors, my soldiers, my superiors.-city con-nections,. These “celebrity connections “becoming a member would give good weight to others. “I would like to talk to you about the community. “ He went to all nonprofit organizations and called the CEOs and tried to set up partnerships. You come and tell us what you need. Group audio journal I can send someone to read but we want you to join us. We feed 300 kids every month and teach them what rotary is. Satya had signs made up “Let us make our club the talk of the town” “What have you done for this club?” “I request to bring a guest” “ “Member per Member”

Satya has a chart that lists new members and a graph showing the goal of getting to 10 members. The top three Rotary members who brought in the most new members will get a Light up Rotary Award.

We go by FILDS-Fellowship, integrity leadership, diversity, service. Those that visit the club must be given the value of the club. Satya left us with Top 50 Membership Growth Ideas. Turn up the power and Light Up Rotary

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