Natick Rotary Sprocket 4/7/15

President Judy opened the Rotary Club of Natick meeting . It was very well attended. Mark led us in the pledge, Verna led us in song and Andy gave the invocation.

Guests: Steve LaPierre, Stuart Papp, Eric Arthur, Martha White and Jillian Wilson Martin


1, Mothers Day 5K Strivers run/walk is still open to sign up. Judy hopes team Rotary will have a strong showing.

2, There are still spaces available for Rotarians to take the CPR class as posted in the last 2 issues of the Sproket.

3, A reminder from Pres. Judy to look at the District 7910 website to keep up with all the news and events within the District.

4, Thank you to Eric for updating the logo on our website.

5, The meeting on May 5, 2015 will be held at Broadmore , in South Natick, 12 noon -2:20. We will have an instructor and lunch.

6, Nancy, David and Linda took care of A Place to Turn this month. Thank you.

7, Vinny has The Tour sponsor forms available.

8, To complete The Tour planning, Steve needs to know how many and the locations of signs from last year. Please get this information to him by the next meeting, next Tues. 11:30.

9. Scott is supporting the AFSP run/walk in Boston on 6/27/15. Please see him for details.

10. Peter reminded us about the Open Door a week from Thurs. Vinny will be the chief cook and needs help.

11, Natick Service Counsel vs Bruins Alum. 4/12/15. George and Greg will be among the stars.

Speaker: Martha White, the Town Administrator introduced Jillian Wilson Martin, Natick’s Sustainability Coordinator.

Jillian talked about energy reduction == cost savings

Being 5 months into her position, Jillian discussed the 20% energy reduction for the town. She talked about organic recycling, pay as you throw composting , walking trails, looking into energy savings and solar energy. She found a sponsor for a walking trail at the meeting, a benefit of being at the right place? Jillian discussed energy use and audits . Think sustainability. There will be 3 electric car charging stations in Natick. She discussed home composting bins at the DPW.

Respectfully Submitted,

Angela Matzilevich, scribe for the day

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